Friday, November 29, 2019

Sharp Corporation Essay Example

Sharp Corporation Essay [emailprotected] CORPORATION: BEYOND JAPAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT . 3 . 8 TABLE OF CONTENT PROBLEM STATEMENT ANALYSIS DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES RECOMMENDATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITATIONS EXHIBITS 3 5 Sharp Corporation needs a major overhaul of its business model. Sharps previous model of make in Japan, sell overseas has been successful until recently. Currently, with the increased mobility in engineering talent and technology transfer, companies from new emerging markets such as South Korea and Taiwan are gaining the competitive advantage over Sharps outdated business model that no longer fit with he firms strategy or the business environment. Sharps previous president, Katsuhiko Machida, adhered to the principles of keeping manufacturing in Japan. 3 Following this principle had some advantages in the domestic market but had major disadvantages for fulfilling demand in the international market. Sharp is becoming popular in the international market with significant increases in foreign sales revenue (Exhibit 1). Due to the fact that all of its products were manufactured in Japan, Sharp were unable to keep up with the international demand for its product. With more than 54% accounting for nternational demand, implementing an effective supply medium to deliver its product is imperative for Sharps success2 (Exhibit 4). Some products lost as much as 10% of its value, in the shipment time duration it required to reach its target market. With Sharps products not flowing to the target market smoothly, competitors including South Korean and Taiwanese companies were gaining a competitive edge. Sharps inability to supply their product efficiently to the international market correlates to the negative effect on the domestic market as excessive company resources were being channelled elsewhere (Exhibit 2). The negative effect may also have been caused by the foreign exchange rate. With the majority of its inventory being sold abroad, Sharp now faced a new issue which was beyond its control. We will write a custom essay sample on Sharp Corporation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sharp Corporation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sharp Corporation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The foreign exchange rate was susceptible to an array of different environments and varied consistently through time (Exhibit 3). The increase in the value of the US dollar meant operating income for Sharp was relatively lower as well. This is mostly notable in year 2009, when the Japanese Yen devalued the most against the US dollar $, which aided in the operating loss of millionl . No significant financial rovisions were taken in order to mitigate foreign exchange losses by Sharp. Sharp has been continuously investing large amounts in production facilities in Japan and then exporting key devices to be assembled in foreign countries. 4 Basing most of its operation in Japan, Sharp had the disadvantages of paying higher tax rates and costly infrastructure in comparison to its competitors who based their core businesses in key strategic locations with minimum tax implications and low infrastructure costs. 6 Also, due to excessive domestic investments, Japanese plants had turned into high alue added knowledge, while overseas plant lacked any of this traits which is detrimental for any overseas expansion strategy. Using the black-box approach Sharp has been secretive about its production and was unable to reap any benefits that might be possible through effectively engaging in value chain integration to suit their needs; while its competitors were readily exchanging and integrating industry knowledge. Sharps emphasis on combining knowledge and capabilities in ways other firms could not imitate is not feasible in the age of Globalization where satellite and internet communication is readily available to everyone. The increased mobility of crucial talent and technology transfer within the industry is something Sharp had not experienced 5 10 years ago. Sharps intellectual property is limited to the core operations of the company itself. 4 Due to this, Sharp were confined to the industry knowledge within their company and had limited access to RD from different companies within their value chain. Sharp did not have a stringent plan to remain as an industry leader in its LCD division as well. Most of the competitive advantage it gained is through using its proprietary LCD technology Four Primary Colour and by increasing the sizes of the TV. Sharps business outlook in the LCD market to gain competitive advantage by increasing the sizes of the TV, is not farfetched as the company is now beginning to realise that the customers had a threshold point on the sizes of TV they wanted. The new president of Sharp Mr. Katayama had a Globalization attitude to the companys business model. Sharp is in the verge of creating a new identity for itself. It is a major player in the industry and could not operate in an also ran basis that it used to in the past. It needed new alternatives to remain on the top and gain competitive advantages over its competitors. Starting production in an international market seemed unlikely in the previous business model which followed the make in Japan, sell overseas principles. With recent losses in the companys financial statements, and worsening economic conditions it is imperative for Sharp to overcome this limitation. Starting production in major markets and developing specialized knowledge internationally would divert the focus of heavy investment in Japanese plants/infrastructure. Access to lower-cost workers, technical expertise, lower transportation costs and productions inputs are a Just a few benefits Sharp ould be able to realize with the new business model. However, there were many risks associated with expanding production to a foreign country. Thorough investigation on the feasibility of this option needs to be scrutinized accordingly. Changing operating model from vertical integration to horizontal integration for the companys production technologies and manufacturing capabilities will give it a better standing in the competitive market. Forming alliances with local companies in major markets such as China, to establish a value chain would maximize efficiency and cash flow (Exhibit 5). Up until recently Sharp has been building plants in Japan for front-end processes with their own resources5. With its knowledge centres and infrastructure located solely in Japan, Sharp could benefit from it by bolstering cutting edge production technologies/manufacturing capabilities nationally and extending its technologies gradually to global sites. Aiming to create a value chain in the consumption area/maJor markets, encompassing each step from procuring materials through manufacturing and sales; an internal company concept known as local production for local consumption, would allow Sharp to receive a return on its roprietary technologies and technology assistance fees such as initial payments, royalties, dividends and revenues from Joint ventures. This serves to reduce risks involved in foreign exchange rates and the recovery of capital expenditurtes4. Sharp has already started this initiative with its Solar Cell product division, forming alliances with Italian power company Enel SpA3. This trend n other product divisions as well. s to follow suit for its Starting a new manufacturing plant outside Japan would be capital and labour intensive. It would also expose the company to various risks such as financial, olitical, environmental, and legal risks. Alternatively, integration through value chain approach would allow Sharp to mitigate some of the risks involved compared to starting a new plant and would not require intensive capital investment. Forming value chains would allow Sharp to access the benefits from well established businesses which are already firmly integrated in the local business environment. It would also allow Sharp to access and understand potential opportunity for future markets for its products as the current markets gets saturated. Integration with arious international value chain means Sharp would adapt an International Firm Management technique in the global business environment. Up until now, Sharp had minimum production technologies/manufacturing operations internationally and operated its production plants predominantly in a national level. Despite the potential benefits of global markets, Sharp must constantly monitor the match between the firms product and new markets to not overlook the needs of the buyers. Sometimes, the benefits of serving customers with an adapted product may outweigh the benefit of a standardized product5. The value chain will allow Sharp to perform distinctive, speedy and efficient R using open innovations and cooperation with partners to gain expertise in fields of technology that are new to Sharp8. However, while operating in foreign markets it should protect its intellectual property and industrial properties through various mediums of patent, trademarks and copyrights. Sharps previous model make in Japan, sell overseas has not been successful recently because the market has changed dramatically. Its operating model had not historically emphasized co-operations with other firms. With increased mobility in ngineering talent and technology transfer, companies from new emerging markets has made its previous business model obsolete. If Sharp wanted to remain as an industry leader it had to change its operation model to suit the Globalization environment. Integration with the international value chain to provide production technologies and manufacturing capabilities beyond national borders would allow Sharp to mitigate expensive legal risks, political risks, shipment cost, infrastructure cost (home/abroad) and foreign exchange fluctuations. It also opens an opportunity to new markets for Sharp as current markets gets saturated. While adapting to a new operating model, Sharp should always consider the risks implications such as global market trends, business partners, intellectual property rights, litigations, and technological innovations which may have significant effect on the financial statements. SHARP Corp. (2009) Opening New Frontier Annual Report, Consolidated Statement of Operations (p. 44) 2 SHARP Corp. (2009) Opening New Frontier Annual Report, Financial summary (p. 36) 3 SHARP Corp. (2009) Opening New Frontier Annual Report, New Business Model (p. 8) 4 SHARP corp. (2009) opening New Frontier Annual Report, Introducing a New Business Model (p. ) 5 John, J. W, Kenneth. L. W, (2012). International Business: The challenges of Globalization, Sixth Edition. Pearson Hall 6 Lehmberg, D. (2011). Sharp Corporation: Beyond Japan. Richard Ivey School of Business Exhibit 1: Various Equipment type sales in 2009 for Sharp Corporation Equipment type Audio Visual/ Communication 2 Health/Environmental Informatio n 4 LCDS Solar cells 6 Other Electronic Devices Exhibit 2: International Sales Vs Domestic Sales for SharpCorporation Exhibit 3: Foreign Exchange US $ vs Japanese (2007 2009) Exhibit 4: Sales by Region, Sharp Corporation Exhibit 5: Sharp Corporation (2009) Annual Report

Monday, November 25, 2019

Immigration And Discrimination In The 1920s Essays - Free Essays

Immigration And Discrimination In The 1920s Essays - Free Essays Immigration and Discrimination in the 1920's American History Beginning in the early nineteenth century there were massive waves of immigration. These "new" immigants were largely from Italy, Russia, and Ireland. There was a mixed reaction to these incomming foreigners. While they provided industries with a cheap source of labor, Americans were both afraid of, and hostile towards these new groups. They differed from the "typical American" in language, customs, and religion. Many individuals and industries alike played upon America's fears of immigration to further their own goals. Leuchtenburg follows this common theme from the beginning of World War I up untill the election of 1928. If there was one man who singlely used America's fear of immigrants to advance his own political goals it was Attorney General Palmer. The rise of Communism in Russia created a fear of its spread across Europe, and to America. Palmer tied this fear to that of immigration. He denounced labor unions, the Socialist party, and the Communist party in America, as being infultrated with radicals who sought to overturn America's political, economic, and social institutions. Palmer exasperated this fear in Americans and then presented himself as the country's savior, combatting the evils of Communism. He mainly centered his attack on Russian immigrants. During the infamous Palmer raids thousands of aliens were deported and even more were arrested on little or no evidence. Their civil liberties were violated, they were not told the reasons for their arrests, denied counsel, and not given fair trials. What followed was an investigation of Palmer led by Louis Post which overturned many of Palmer's actions. Palmer's cretability was shattered after in a last minute attempt to gain the 1920 presidencial nomination, he made predictions about a May Day radical uprising, the nation perpared itself, but on May 1st 1920 all was peaceful. While the raids had stopped, the hostilities towards immagrants still remained prevelent. Immigrants were used by organized industries as a source of cheap labor. But as labor unions began to form and push for better pay, shorter hours, and improved working conditions industries saw that it was not as easy to exploit these immigrants as it had been before. Like Palmer, they tied the American's hostilities towards immigrants to the newly emerging fear of radicalism. When workers struck, industry leaders turned public opinion agains them by labling the strikes as attemps at radical uprising. As a result, workers were often left with no other choice than to accept the terms of industry management. The fight for prohabition was aided by America's antagonism for immigrants. Protestants and "old-stock" Americans attempted to link alchol with Catholic-Irish and Italian immigrants. They were viewed as immoral and corrupt for their vice. Prohabition was a means of counterattacking the evils of the urban cities and their immigrant dwellers. In addition, the rise of the KKK was a direct result of the hostilities harbored towards the immigrant population. Started by native born, white, Protestants, the KKK was afraid of "the encroachment of foreigners," expecially those who answered to a foreign Pope as their religious authority. Playing upon these fears, the KKK gained support and was it's members were able to politically control parts of Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and much of Indiana.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Social Networing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Networing - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that  the early social networking practices were focused on bringing people to a common platform by using chat rooms. With the advanced information technology, the social networking practices have become more viral in nature. Social networking activities have started impacting people in various ways.  According to the report findings the primary aim of social networking is to expand the contact base by connecting to various people. Almost all social networking sites try to build their platform towards this common goal. May be the purpose of connecting an individual differs from one social networking site to another but ultimately it is all about connecting to people. For instance, LinkedIn will be used by people who love to develop their professional contacts whereas SparkLives will be used by people who share a common interest, healthy living. Likewise, there are numerous other social networking platforms that are dedicated to a particular domain. People who understand the purpose of networking would get benefit from these dedicated communities or networking sites.  Globalization is making world smaller by breaking country barriers and social networking fueling this globalization in various ways.  Globalization is what making global economy much stronger. With the increasing social networking activities for past 10 years, the world has become much smaller as people from various countries interact and share information on a single platform.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hyperboloid Model Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hyperboloid Model - Term Paper Example The paper’s aim is to comprehensively discuss the concept of the ‘Hyperboloid Model’, in relation to application in the field of Geometry and Mathematics in general. While focus will be placed more on the geometrical application, influences and effects of the model, the paper will also delve into other applications. Conclusively, it will portray the functional application of the model, essential in gaining required accuracy. Towards better understanding the vital importance of the hyperboloid model, there is need of a historical analysis of the concept, in terms of geometrical application. To be noted, as Alekseevskij, Vinberg and Solodovnikov (1993) portray, is that the study of prevailing relations amongst hyperbolic, spherical and Euclidean geometries historically dates back to the early 19th century. This was in an attempt at proving Euclid’s fifth postulate. Accordingly, it is towards ascertaining this that C. F. Gauss was able to subsequently discover, in the 1820s, the concept of hyperbolic geometry. Influential is that only a few years were to pass, before this form of geometry was to be independently re-discovered by both J. Bolyai (1832) and N. Lobacheviski (1829). Notable is that the concept’s founders were in agreement, in terms of providing its strongest evidence for its consistency. This was based upon the duality present, between spherical and hyperbolic trigonometries (Alek seevskij, Vinberg & Solodovnikov, 1993). Initially demonstrated by Lambert – in his [L1770] 1770 memoir – the duality aspect present between the two forms of trigonometries is vivid in a variety of theorems. Inclusive is the ‘law of sines’, which can be affirmed in a form that is applicable in hyperbolic, Euclidean and spherical geometries. Accordingly, it is towards proving the prevailing consistency of hyperbolic geometry that necessitated the building of diverse analytical models upon the Euclidean plane. This is perhaps the reason why Beltrami E.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Researching reporting dashboard features for marketing automation Research Paper

Researching reporting dashboard features for marketing automation tools - Research Paper Example The dashboard tool offers six views into one’s business data with basis on user type and needs. Marketing executives can also see summary business intelligence dashboard representing data visually through customizable widgets. In addition, analysts are able to do deep dives for data to attain answers to complex problems through their OLAP interface. It makes insight sharing an easy process; moreover, it is accessible by in-house or third party applications. Neolane’s marketing analytics technology is organized around three major steps. These are understanding, execution, and monitoring with marketers gaining insight into needs of the customer, followed by measurement through interactive, graphical, and personalized dashboards (Aquino 1). The marketer can analyze and monitor market performance through these dashboards to ascertain efficiency and optimize on their ROI, as well as aid in quickly and effectively piloting marketing activity. Measurements that marketers can carry out using Neolane’s technology include transaction data, marketing data, key performance indicators, and execution data. Moreover, the users can create contact lists using specific measurements like lists of young men between 25 and 35 years (Aquino 1). Software provider Aprimo’s latest version of their Relationships manager has several new features that include streamlined dashboards and reporting, enhanced user interface, and integration with M arketing Operations in enabling faster turnaround

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Philippine Environmental Laws Effect: Hospitality

Philippine Environmental Laws Effect: Hospitality The current environmental laws in the Philippines are policies of the state that aims to protect, conserve and develop our natural resources and the ones found and living with it. Executive Order Number 79 Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution provides that the State shall protect and advance the right of the Filipino people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. It shows that the state want a protection not just on nature but also on its sovereign people. Living in the rhythm and harmony of nature is what the state wants for its people. But that was a long time ago people are contented living a simple life they are already satisfied with what the nature can offer to them. People as time goes by seek more and find ways on how to get more resources on our nature that they wouldnt mind if its already endangering the nature. Presidential Decree 1152 Philippine Environmental Policy defines the policy objectives and the strategies f or the various aspects of environmental management, such as air and water quality management, natural source development, land management, and waste management. It launches a comprehensive national program of environmental protection and management, with reference to policies and standards of noise, air quality, water quality, classification of water and waste management. In this program the proper protection and management that was supposed to be done was not followed. Quality management is needed. It is one of the major factors that cause diseases on people because our resources were not of good quality nowadays. It recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good of all and should therefore be the concern of all. Clean and healthy environment is not what all Filipinos have. Only a few can experience what a healthy and clean environment is because majority of the people tend to go to urban places and eventually pollute it. Presidential Decree 389 (P.D. 705) The For estry Reform Code codifies updates and raises forestry laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable utilization of forest resources. When we say sustainable it is how we use the resources properly and how to maintain its productivity for future generations. This law wants to eliminate illegal logging and other forms of forest destruction which are being facilitated. Taking Care of our forest is very crucial specially to us who are living on elevated areas we are more prone on Landslide and the ones living beneath us is also affected with flashflood, mudslide and others. It is important that we would take care and propagate trees on our forests. Presidential Decree. 856 Sanitation Code places the responsibility in the local government units for he solid waste management in his area of production. People in Cities are too many it causes pollution due to overcrowding the resources is not sufficient to support the population living in a certain place. A lot of people dont practice proper hygiene on themselves and even on their environment. Overcrowding leads to unhealthy practice and lifestyle. Presidential Decree 1181 (supplements the provision of P.D. 984) providing for the abatement, control and prevention of vehicular pollution and establishing the maximum allowance emissions of specific air pollutants from all types of vehicle. We invented so many things that really have a negative impact on our nature as we go through modernization so many substances is being used that served as a poison to our natural resources and slowly killing and destroying it. The state has no control and supervision on it. The use of Cars that produce smoke, chemicals on pesticides and insecticides and even using spray will harm our mother nature. It is negligence on our part we are supposedly the stewards of it but what we are doing is we are destroying it. Lack of discipline also is happening we dont mind the laws that were made to safeguard our nature and also ourselves from harm. The environment were living in right now is not what the state envisions for us. These are general policies that pursuit a better quality of life for the present and future generations. It provides objectives and strategies for the various aspects of environmental management. Nature is really one of the major sources of income before and even nowadays. But the equal opportunity was not imposed properly by the state proper resource allocation is needed. Strictly implementation of the laws passed is not enough we need to make the citizens abide with rules and regulations not because it is one of their responsibilities as a citizen, but because of the fact that we need this law that will serve as our guidelines and manuals to continue living in ecologically balanced and healthy environment. How Hospitality and Tourism Management Course is affected in current environmental Law? The quality of the environment, both natural and man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourisms relationship with the environment is complex. It involves many activities that can have adverse environmental effects. Many of these impacts are linked with the construction of general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants, shops, golf courses and marinas. In Hospitality Industry we offer products and services that are tangibles and intangibles. Attractive landscape sites, such as sandy beaches, lakes, riversides, and mountain tops and slopes, are often transitional zones, characterized by species-rich ecosystems. Hotel and Tourism Industry is anchored on natural resources. And it is where we usually build infrastructure we usually convert and developed the place to cater to our guests. The fact that most tourists chose to maintain their relatively high patterns of consumption (and waste generation) when they reac h their destinations can be a particularly serious problem for the industry as Philippines a developing country without the appropriate means for protecting our natural resources and local ecosystems from the pressures of mass tourism. Hospitality and Tourism Industry contributes a lot with this destruction. As a number one contributor our industry is affected with many these laws imposed it limits our capacity to render and innovate more on our products and services offered to our present and future guests. The Industrys business areas, the facilities being operated and managed as well as our locations and activities are also affected. We need to comply with environmental legislation, regulation and standards. We also need to identify the extents to which environmental issues are being considered and addressed in the operations, services and products of the organizations that are part of our industry. The Industry needs to commit on how we are going to manage the operations and ser vices to achieve environmental objectives and targets. The Hospitality and Tourism Industry must show where the organization stands on its environmental performance in relation to its operations, services and products. These environmental laws can make major impacts on the organizations activities, services and production processes. Those processes may have cause impact on the environment. It will take into considerations the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of all properties facilities and services. We need to develop or adapt procedures and technologies to the benefit of both the environment and wider community and still maintaining in reaching or exceeding our guests expectation. The practice of our staff, contractors, suppliers and customers must be with of responsibility for their actions and to comply with their environmental obligations. Suppliers taking part in the environmental protection initiatives will be considered. Purchasing strategies with th e suppliers and the materials needed is also affected we need to make sure that it does not add cost to the problem. Like in purchasing initiatives we must consider those who are committed to sustainable environmental development, and continuously seek environmentally-friendly products and services that represent genuine value for money. The industry need to devise the most innovative and practical environmental improvement initiatives. We need to provide products and services that have the minimum adverse impact on the environment. The industries employees and staff is also affected they need to carry out regular internal programmes of education and training to enhance environmental awareness amongst themselves. How can Hotel and Tourism Management Course help to improve the current environmental situation in the Philippines? Tourism can be considered one of the most remarkable socio-economic phenomena of the twentieth century. From an activity enjoyed by only a small group of relatively well-off people during the first half of the last century, it gradually became a mass phenomenon during the post World War II period, particularly from the 1970s onwards. It now reaches larger and larger numbers of people throughout the world, and is a source of employment for a significant segment of the labor force. And now Hospitality and Tourism Industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industry in the world has growing adverse impacts on our environment. It provides considerable economic benefits for many countries, regions and communities; its rapid expansion has also had detrimental environmental and socio-cultural impacts. Natural resource depletion and environmental degradation associated with tourism are serious problems. The management of natural resources to reverse this trend is thus one of the most difficult challenges for governments at different levels. The main environmental impacts of tourism are (a) pressure on natural resources, (b) pollution and waste generation and (c) damage to ecosystems. Furthermore, it is now widely recognized that not only uncontrolled tourism expansion is likely to lead to environmental degradation, but also that environmental degradation, in turn, poses a serious threat to tourism. Tourism is closely linked to biodiversity and the attractions created by a rich and varied environment. It can also cause loss of biodiversity when land and resources are strained by excessive use, and when impacts on vegetation, wildlife, mountain, marine and coastal environments and water resources exceed the carrying capacity. This loss of biodiversity in fact means loss of tourism potential. Global tourism is closely linked to climate change. Tourism involves the movement of people from their homes to other destinations and accounts for about 50% of traffic moveme nts; rapidly expanding air traffic contributes about 2.5% of the production of CO2. Tourism is thus a significant contributor to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Air travel itself is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. Passenger jets are the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. The number of international travelers is expected to increase, adding greatly to the problem unless steps are taken to reduce emissions. Despite its many adverse impacts, tourism can help improved the current environmental situation by preservation and conservation of sensitive important sites in our country. Furthermore, tourism that focuses on cultural and historic sites (sometimes referred to as heritage tourism) can be the driving force for the preservation and rehabilitation of existing historic sites, buildings, and monuments. The Hospitality and Tourism Industry can contribute to environmental conservation through: (a) Direct financial contri butions; we can contribute directly to the conservation of sensitive areas and habitat. Contributions to government revenues; governments collect money in more far-reaching and indirect ways that are not linked to specific parks or conservation areas. User fees, income taxes, taxes on sales or rental of recreation equipment, and license fees for activities can provide governments with the funds needed to manage natural resources. Such funds can be used for overall conservation programs and activities. (b) Improved environmental management and planning; Sound environmental management of tourism facilities and especially hotels can increase the benefits to natural areas. But this requires careful planning for controlled development, based on analysis of the environmental resources of the area. Planning helps to make choices between conflicting uses, or to find ways to make them compatible. By planning early for tourism development, damaging and expensive mistakes can be prevented, avo iding the gradual deterioration of environmental assets significant to tourism. (c) Environmental awareness raising; Tourism has the potential to increase public appreciation of the environment and to spread awareness of environmental problems when it brings people into closer contact with nature and the environment. This confrontation may heighten awareness of the value of nature and lead to environmentally conscious behavior and activities to preserve the environment. (d) Protection and preservation; Tourism can significantly contribute to environmental protection, conservation and restoration of biological diversity and sustainable use of natural resources. Because of their attractiveness, pristine sites and natural areas are identified as valuable and the need to keep the attraction alive can lead to creation of national parks and wildlife parks. (e) Alternative employment; Tourism can provide an alternative to development scenarios that may have greater environmental impacts. ( f) Regulatory measures; Regulatory measures help offset negative impacts. It controls the number of tourist activities and movement of visitors within protected areas and it can limit impacts on the ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and vitality of the site. Such limits can also reduce the negative impacts on resources. Limits should be established after an in-depth analysis of the maximum sustainable visitor capacity. The Hospitality and Tourism Industry has now an increasing agreement on the need to promote sustainable tourism development to minimize its environmental impacts and to ensure more sustainable management of natural resources. The concept of sustainable tourism, as developed in the United Nations sustainable development process, refers to tourist activities leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, and biological diversity and life support systems. These sustainability concerns are, therefore, beginning to be addressed by governments at national, regional and local, as well as international, levels. In addition, given the leading role of the private sector in the tourism industry has many initiatives that have also been taken by this sector. The main policy areas regarding sustainable tourism are: (a) the promotion of national strategies for sustainable tourism development, including the decentralization of environmental management to regional and local levels, (b) the use of both regulatory mechanisms and economic instruments, (c) the support for voluntary initiatives by the industry itself, and (d) the promotion of sustainable tourism. The Industry needs to formulate and effectively apply an appropriate mix of regulatory and economic instruments for both sustainable natural resources management and environmental protection. The most direct tool for promoting sustainable tourism involves the use of r egulatory mechanisms, such as, integrated land-use planning and coastal zone management. In many cases, it may be necessary to protect coastlines through rigid building restrictions, such as, existing legislation that bans any buildings within a defined distance from the coast. It is also essential that environmental regulations be applied transparently throughout the tourism sector, regardless of business size, type of tourism activity concerned or location. Mass tourism, in particular, should be carefully monitored, regulated and sometimes even prohibited in ecologically fragile areas. In protected areas, such as national parks and natural world heritage sites, tourism activities should be strictly subject to the preservation of biological diversity and ecosystems, not stressing their limited capacity to absorb human presence without becoming damaged or degraded. The Industry has voluntary industry initiatives which tend to oppose greater government regulation and taxation of the industry on the grounds that they are ultimately detrimental to efficiency, competitiveness and profits. The tourism industry has thus developed several self-regulation and voluntary initiatives to promote greater environmental sustainability. These include waste and pollution reduction schemes, voluntary codes of conduct, industry awards and eco-labels for sustainable tourism. In addition, environmental management schemes to encourage responsible practices have been promoted in various sub-sectors, including hotel and catering, recreation and entertainment, transportation, travel agencies and tour operators. To achieve this emphasis it must be directed to sustainable ecotourism development as the core in this industry supported by expansion in the hospitality service sector. There is inadequate skilled manpower in this sector but the future of tourism needs product diversification, opening up of new tourist circuits, promotion of domestic tourism and provision of skilled manpower. The programme in Ecotourism and Hospitality Management is designed to train manpower to meet these challenges. Sources:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

austins theory of law :: essays research papers

Laws in the most general sense are rules made by one intelligent being for the guidance of another intelligent being, the former having power over the latter. - All laws are a species of command, a command being an expression of a wish or desire that some other person do something. Commands can only be issued by one who has the power and intention to inflict a sanction in the event of disobedience. - A legal duty is a liability to a sanction for refusal to comply with a command. Hence, commands and duties are correlative; there can’t be one without the other. Commands are said to bind or oblige the person to whom they are directed. Sanctions are always intended to be evils, never goods. Rewards (bribes) cannot be sanctions. - Conclusion regarding the basic definition of law: a command that obliges a person to observe a general course of conduct, issued by a superior (in power) to an inferior. - Special problems: Customary laws and rules of common morality which may appear to oblige independently of any superior power are not really laws until recognized by a court. Common laws (judge-made law) likewise may appear not to stem from a superior power. Austin argues such laws are tacitly commanded by the state. Legal rights are creatures of law, but they are not exercised by following orders; the option to exercise a right is up to the owner of the right. Austin: no law creates a right without also creating a correlative duty, hence the link with commands. - Positive Law is a set of commands issued by a sovereign to his subjects. The sovereign is a determinate person or group (a) who receives habitual obedience from the bulk of society (he is the superior power within his society) and (b) is not in a habit of obedience to a like superior group (independent of any other

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-nine

Tyrion They have my son,† Tywin Lannister said. â€Å"They do, my lord.† The messenger's voice was dulled by exhaustion. On the breast of his torn surcoat, the brindled boar of Crakehall was half-obscured by dried blood. One of your sons, Tyrion thought. He took a sip of wine and said not a word, thinking of Jaime. When he lifted his arm, pain shot through his elbow, reminding him of his own brief taste of battle. He loved his brother, but he would not have wanted to be with him in the Whispering Wood for all the gold in Casterly Rock. His lord father's assembled captains and bannermen had fallen very quiet as the courier told his tale. The only sound was the crackle and hiss of the log burning in the hearth at the end of the long, drafty common room. After the hardships of the long relentless drive south, the prospect of even a single night in an inn had cheered Tyrion mightily . . . though he rather wished it had not been this inn again, with all its memories. His father had set a grueling pace, and it had taken its toll. Men wounded in the battle kept up as best they could or were abandoned to fend for themselves. Every morning they left a few more by the roadside, men who went to sleep never to wake. Every afternoon a few more collapsed along the way. And every evening a few more deserted, stealing off into the dusk. Tyrion had been half-tempted to go with them. He had been upstairs, enjoying the comfort of a featherbed and the warmth of Shae's body beside him, when his squire had woken him to say that a rider had arrived with dire news of Riverrun. So it had all been for nothing. The rush south, the endless forced marches, the bodies left beside the road . . . all for naught. Robb Stark had reached Riverrun days and days ago. â€Å"How could this happen?† Ser Harys Swyft moaned. â€Å"How? Even after the Whispering Wood, you had Riverrun ringed in iron, surrounded by a great host . . . what madness made Ser Jaime decide to split his men into three separate camps? Surely he knew how vulnerable that would leave them?† Better than you, you chinless craven, Tyrion thought. Jaime might have lost Riverrun, but it angered him to hear his brother slandered by the likes of Swyft, a shameless lickspittle whose greatest accomplishment was marrying his equally chinless daughter to Ser Kevan, and thereby attaching himself to the Lannisters. â€Å"I would have done the same,† his uncle responded, a good deal more calmly than Tyrion might have. â€Å"You have never seen Riverrun, Ser Harys, or you would know that Jaime had little choice in the matter. The castle is situated at the end of the point of land where the Tumblestone flows into the Red Fork of the Trident. The rivers form two sides of a triangle, and when danger threatens, the Tullys open their sluice gates upstream to create a wide moat on the third side, turning Riverrun into an island. The walls rise sheer from the water, and from their towers the defenders have a commanding view of the opposite shores for many leagues around. To cut off all the approaches, a besieger must needs place one camp north of the Tumblestone, one south of the Red Fork, and a third between the rivers, west of the moat. There is no other way, none.† â€Å"Ser Kevan speaks truly, my lords,† the courier said. â€Å"We'd built palisades of sharpened stakes around the camps, yet it was not enough, not with no warning and the rivers cutting us off from each other. They came down on the north camp first. No one was expecting an attack. Marq Piper had been raiding our supply trains, but he had no more than fifty men. Ser Jaime had gone out to deal with them the night before . . . well, with what we thought was them. We were told the Stark host was east of the Green Fork, marching south . . . â€Å" â€Å"And your outriders?† Ser Gregor Clegane's face might have been hewn from rock. The fire in the hearth gave a somber orange cast to his skin and put deep shadows in the hollows of his eyes. â€Å"They saw nothing? They gave you no warning?† The bloodstained messenger shook his head. â€Å"Our outriders had been vanishing. Marq Piper's work, we thought. The ones who did come back had seen nothing.† â€Å"A man who sees nothing has no use for his eyes,† the Mountain declared. â€Å"Cut them out and give them to your next outrider. Tell him you hope that four eyes might see better than two . . . and if not, the man after him will have six.† Lord Tywin Lannister turned his face to study Ser Gregor. Tyrion saw a glimmer of gold as the light shone off his father's pupils, but he could not have said whether the look was one of approval or disgust. Lord Tywin was oft quiet in council, preferring to listen before he spoke, a habit Tyrion himself tried to emulate. Yet this silence was uncharacteristic even for him, and his wine was untouched. â€Å"You said they came at night,† Ser Kevan prompted. The man gave a weary nod. â€Å"The Blackfish led the van, cutting down our sentries and clearing away the palisades for the main assault. By the time our men knew what was happening, riders were pouring over the ditch banks and galloping through the camp with swords and torches in hand. I was sleeping in the west camp, between the rivers. When we heard the fighting and saw the tents being fired, Lord Brax led us to the rafts and we tried to pole across, but the current pushed us downstream and the Tullys started flinging rocks at us with the catapults on their walls. I saw one raft smashed to kindling and three others overturned, men swept into the river and drowned . . . and those who did make it across found the Starks waiting for them on the riverbanks.† Ser Flement Brax wore a silver-and-purple tabard and the look of a man who cannot comprehend what he has just heard. â€Å"My lord father—† â€Å"Sorry, my lord,† the messenger said. â€Å"Lord Brax was clad in plate-and-mail when his raft overturned. He was very gallant.† He was a fool, Tyrion thought, swirling his cup and staring down into the winy depths. Crossing a river at night on a crude raft, wearing armor, with an enemy waiting on the other side—if that was gallantry, he would take cowardice every time. He wondered if Lord Brax had felt especially gallant as the weight of his steel pulled him under the black water. â€Å"The camp between the rivers was overrun as well,† the messenger was saying. â€Å"While we were trying to cross, more Starks swept in from the west, two columns of armored horse. I saw Lord Umber's giant-in-chains and the Mallister eagle, but it was the boy who led them, with a monstrous wolf running at his side. I wasn't there to see, but it's said the beast killed four men and ripped apart a dozen horses. Our spearmen formed up a shieldwall and held against their first charge, but when the Tullys saw them engaged, they opened the gates of Riverrun and Tytos Blackwood led a sortie across the drawbridge and took them in the rear.† â€Å"Gods save us,† Lord Lefford swore. â€Å"Greatjon Umber fired the siege towers we were building, and Lord Blackwood found Ser Edmure Tully in chains among the other captives, and made off with them all. Our south camp was under the command of Ser Forley Prester. He retreated in good order when he saw that the other camps were lost, with two thousand spears and as many bowmen, but the Tyroshi sellsword who led his freeriders struck his banners and went over to the foe.† â€Å"Curse the man.† His uncle Kevan sounded more angry than surprised. â€Å"I warned Jaime not to trust that one. A man who fights for coin is loyal only to his purse.† Lord Tywin wove his fingers together under his chin. Only his eyes moved as he listened. His bristling golden side-whiskers framed a face so still it might have been a mask, but Tyrion could see tiny beads of sweat dappling his father's shaven head. â€Å"How could it happen?† Ser Harys Swyft wailed again. â€Å"Ser Jaime taken, the siege broken . . . this is a catastrophe!† Ser Addam Marbrand said, â€Å"I am sure we are all grateful to you for pointing out the obvious, Ser Harys. The question is, what shall we do about it?† â€Å"What can we do? Jaime's host is all slaughtered or taken or put to flight, and the Starks and the Tullys sit squarely across our line of supply. We are cut off from the west! They can march on Casterly Rock if they so choose, and what's to stop them? My lords, we are beaten. We must sue for peace.† â€Å"Peace?† Tyrion swirled his wine thoughtfully, took a deep draft, and hurled his empty cup to the floor, where it shattered into a thousand pieces. â€Å"There's your peace, Ser Harys. My sweet nephew broke it for good and all when he decided to ornament the Red Keep with Lord Eddard's head. You'll have an easier time drinking wine from that cup than you will convincing Robb Stark to make peace now. He's winning . . . or hadn't you noticed?† â€Å"Two battles do not make a war,† Ser Addam insisted. â€Å"We are far from lost. I should welcome the chance to try my own steel against this Stark boy.† â€Å"Perhaps they would consent to a truce, and allow us to trade our prisoners for theirs,† offered Lord Lefford. â€Å"Unless they trade three-for-one, we still come out light on those scales,† Tyrion said acidly. â€Å"And what are we to offer for my brother? Lord Eddard's rotting head?† â€Å"I had heard that Queen Cersei has the Hand's daughters,† Lefford said hopefully. â€Å"If we give the lad his sisters back . . . â€Å" Ser Addam snorted disdainfully. â€Å"He would have to be an utter ass to trade Jaime Lannister's life for two girls.† â€Å"Then we must ransom Ser Jaime, whatever it costs,† Lord Lefford said. Tyrion rolled his eyes. â€Å"If the Starks feel the need for gold, they can melt down Jaime's armor.† â€Å"if we ask for a truce, they will think us weak,† Ser Addarn argued. â€Å"We should march on them at once.† â€Å"Surely our friends at court could be prevailed upon to join us with fresh troops,† said Ser Harys. â€Å"And someone might return to Casterly Rock to raise a new host.† Lord Tywin Lannister rose to his feet. â€Å"They have my son,† he said once more, in a voice that cut through the babble like a sword through suet. â€Å"Leave me. All of you.† Ever the soul of obedience, Tyrion rose to depart with the rest, but his father gave him a look. â€Å"Not you, Tyrion. Remain. And you as well, Kevan. The rest of you, out.† Tyrion eased himself back onto the bench, startled into speechlessness. Ser Kevan crossed the room to the wine casks. â€Å"Uncle,† Tyrion called, â€Å"if you would be so kind—† â€Å"Here.† His father offered him his cup, the wine untouched. Now Tyrion truly was nonplussed. He drank. Lord Tywin seated himself. â€Å"You have the right of it about Stark. Alive, we might have used Lord Eddard to forge a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, a peace that would have given us the time we need to deal with Robert's brothers. Dead . . . † His hand curled into a fist. â€Å"Madness. Rank madness.† â€Å"Joff's only a boy,† Tyrion pointed out. â€Å"At his age, I committed a few follies of my own.† His father gave him a sharp look. â€Å"I suppose we ought to be grateful that he has not yet married a whore.† Tyrion sipped at his wine, wondering how Lord Tywin would look if he flung the cup in his face. â€Å"Our position is worse than you know,† his father went on. â€Å"It would seem we have a new king.† Ser Kevan looked poleaxed. â€Å"A new—who? What have they done to Joffrey?† The faintest flicker of distaste played across Lord Tywin's thin lips. â€Å"Nothing . . . yet. My grandson still sits the Iron Throne, but the eunuch has heard whispers from the south. Renly Baratheon wed Margaery Tyrell at Highgarden this fortnight past, and now he has claimed the crown. The bride's father and brothers have bent the knee and sworn him their swords.† â€Å"Those are grave tidings.† When Ser Kevan frowned, the furrows in his brow grew deep as canyons. â€Å"My daughter commands us to ride for King's Landing at once, to defend the Red Keep against King Renly and the Knight of Flowers.† His mouth tightened. â€Å"Commands us, mind you. In the name of the king and council.† â€Å"How is King Joffrey taking the news?† Tyrion asked with a certain black amusement. â€Å"Cersei has not seen fit to tell him yet,† Lord Tywin said. â€Å"She fears he might insist on marching against Renly himself.† â€Å"With what army?† Tyrion asked. â€Å"You don't plan to give him this one, I hope?† â€Å"He talks of leading the City Watch,† Lord Tywin said. â€Å"If he takes the Watch, he'll leave the city undefended,† Ser Kevan said. â€Å"And with Lord Stannis on Dragonstone . . . â€Å" â€Å"Yes.† Lord Tywin looked down at his son. â€Å"I had thought you were the one made for motley, Tyrion, but it would appear that I was wrong.† â€Å"Why, Father,† said Tyrion, â€Å"that almost sounds like praise.† He leaned forward intently. â€Å"What of Stannis? He's the elder, not Renly. How does he feel about his brother's claim?† His father frowned. â€Å"I have felt from the beginning that Stannis was a greater danger than all the others combined. Yet he does nothing. Oh, Varys hears his whispers. Stannis is building ships, Stannis is hiring sellswords, Stannis is bringing a shadowbinder from Asshai. What does it mean? Is any of it true?† He gave an irritated shrug. â€Å"Kevan, bring us the map.† Ser Kevan did as he was bid. Lord Tywin unrolled the leather, smoothing it flat. â€Å"Jaime has left us in a bad way. Roose Bolton and the remnants of his host are north of us. Our enemies hold the Twins and Moat Cailin. Robb Stark sits to the west, so we cannot retreat to Lannisport and the Rock unless we choose to give battle. Jaime is taken, and his army for all purposes has ceased to exist. Thoros of Myr and Beric Dondarrion continue to plague our foraging parties. To our east we have the Arryns, Stannis Baratheon sits on Dragonstone, and in the south Highgarden and Storm's End are calling their banners.† Tyrion smiled crookedly. â€Å"Take heart, Father. At least Rhaegar Targaryen is still dead.† â€Å"I had hoped you might have more to offer us than japes, Tyrion,† Lord Tywin Lannister said. Ser Kevan frowned over the map, forehead creasing. â€Å"Robb Stark will have Edmure Tully and the lords of the Trident with him now. Their combined power may exceed our own. And with Roose Bolton behind us . . . Tywin, if we remain here, I fear we might be caught between three armies.† â€Å"I have no intention of remaining here. We must finish our business with young Lord Stark before Renly Baratheon can march from Highgarden. Bolton does not concern me. He is a wary man, and we made him warier on the Green Fork. He will be slow to give pursuit. So . . . on the morrow, we make for Harrenhal. Kevan, I want Ser Addam's outriders to screen our movements. Give him as many men as he requires, and send them out in groups of four. I will have no vanishings.† â€Å"As you say, my lord, but . . . why Harrenhal? That is a grim, unlucky place. Some call it cursed.† â€Å"Let them,† Lord Tywin said. â€Å"Unleash Ser Gregor and send him before us with his reavers. Send forth Vargo Hoat and his freeriders as well, and Ser Amory Lorch. Each is to have three hundred horse. Tell them I want to see the riverlands afire from the Gods Eye to the Red Fork.† â€Å"They will burn, my lord,† Ser Kevan said, rising. â€Å"I shall give the commands.† He bowed and made for the door. When they were alone, Lord Tywin glanced at Tyrion. â€Å"Your savages might relish a bit of rapine. Tell them they may ride with Vargo Hoat and plunder as they like—goods, stock, women, they may take what they want and burn the rest.† â€Å"Telling Shagga and Timett how to pillage is like telling a rooster how to crow,† Tyrion commented, â€Å"but I should prefer to keep them with me.† Uncouth and unruly they might be, yet the wildlings were his, and he trusted them more than any of his father's men. He was not about to hand them over. â€Å"Then you had best learn to control them. I will not have the city plundered.† â€Å"The city?† Tyrion was lost. â€Å"What city would that be?† â€Å"King's Landing. I am sending you to court.† It was the last thing Tyrion Lannister would ever have anticipated. He reached for his wine, and considered for a moment as he sipped. â€Å"And what am I to do there?† â€Å"Rule,† his father said curtly Tyrion hooted with laughter. â€Å"My sweet sister might have a word or two to say about that!† â€Å"Let her say what she likes. Her son needs to be taken in hand before he ruins us all. I blame those jackanapes on the council—our friend Petyr, the venerable Grand Maester, and that cockless wonder Lord Varys. What sort of counsel are they giving Joffrey when he lurches from one folly to the next? Whose notion was it to make this Janos Slynt a lord? The man's father was a butcher, and they grant him Harrenhal. Harrenhal, that was the seat of kings! Not that he will ever set foot inside it, if I have a say. I am told he took a bloody spear for his sigil. A bloody cleaver would have been my choice.† His father had not raised his voice, yet Tyrion could see the anger in the gold of his eyes. â€Å"And dismissing Selmy, where was the sense in that? Yes, the man was old, but the name of Barristan the Bold still has meaning in the realm. He lent honor to any man he served. Can anyone say the same of the Hound? You feed your dog bones under the table, you do not seat hi m beside you on the high bench.† He pointed a finger at Tyrion's face. â€Å"If Cersei cannot curb the boy, you must. And if these councillors are playing us false . . . â€Å" Tyrion knew. â€Å"Spikes,† he sighed. â€Å"Heads. Walls.† â€Å"I see you have taken a few lessons from me.† â€Å"More than you know, Father,† Tyrion answered quietly. He finished his wine and set the cup aside, thoughtful. A part of him was more pleased than he cared to admit. Another part was remembering the battle upriver, and wondering if he was being sent to hold the left again. â€Å"Why me?† he asked, cocking his head to one side. â€Å"Why not my uncle? Why not Ser Addam or Ser Flement or Lord Serrett? Why not a . . . bigger man?† Lord Tywin rose abruptly. â€Å"You are my son.† That was when he knew. You have given him up for lost, he thought. You bloody bastard, you think Jaime's good as dead, so I'm all you have left. Tyrion wanted to slap him, to spit in his face, to draw his dagger and cut the heart out of him and see if it was made of old hard gold, the way the smallfolks said. Yet he sat there, silent and still. The shards of the broken cup crunched beneath his father's heels as Lord Tywin crossed the room. â€Å"One last thing,† he said at the door. â€Å"You will not take the whore to court.† Tyrion sat alone in the common room for a long while after his father was gone. Finally he climbed the steps to his cozy garret beneath the bell tower. The ceiling was low, but that was scarcely a drawback for a dwarf. From the window, he could see the gibbet his father had erected in the yard. The innkeep's body turned slowly on its rope whenever the night wind gusted. Her flesh had grown as thin and ragged as Lannister hopes. Shae murmured sleepily and rolled toward him when he sat on the edge of the featherbed. He slid his hand under the blanket and cupped a soft breast, and her eyes opened. â€Å"M'lord,† she said with a drowsy smile. When he felt her nipple stiffen, Tyrion kissed her. â€Å"I have a mind to take you to King's Landing, sweetling,† he whispered.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Haverwood Case Analysis Essay

Haverwood Furniture Individual Summary Introduction: In 2008, Haverwood Furniture and Lea-Meadows Inc. merged into one company. The issue at hand involves merging the selling efforts of the two companies. They both go about selling their products differently and the best plan of action is uncertain. John Bott, of Haverwood, believes that Haverwood sales representatives implement the best selling strategy whereas Martin Moorman, the national sales manager at Lea-Meadows believes that they have the superior strategy. Haverwood is a manufacturing company that makes medium-high priced furniture made out of wood. Net sales for Haverwood was 75 million in 2007 with a before tax profit of 3.7 million. They employ their own sales representatives who represent 1000 different retail accounts for the company. These representatives earn an annual salary of 70,000 (plus expenses) and receive a commission of .5% of the company’s net sales. Haverwood believes that their sales personnel are highly regarded in the furniture industry, knowledgeab le about wood furniture, and willing to work with buyers and retail sales personnel. The only negative aspect about Haverwood’s selling strategy is that all of the retail accounts that the merger will create do not carry the complete Haverwood line. In order to combat this, Botts was instructed to push the sales reps, urging them to make 10 sales calls per week and increasing the call frequency to seven calls per year. On the other hand, Lea-Meadows is a small, privately owned manufacturer of upholstered furniture for living and family rooms. The company is known for using some of the finest fabrics and frame construction. Their net sales in 2007 were 5 million. Total industry sales for upholstered furniture manufacturers were 15.5 billion. This number is expected to increase 3% annually in the future. Lea- Meadows employs 15 sales agents. These agents also represent several manufacturers of noncompeting furniture and home furnishings. Sales agents are paying 5% of net company sales. The agents call on specialty furniture and department stores. They called an estimated 1000 retail accounts in 2006 and 2007. All of the agents had relationships with and worked closely with their retail  accounts. Alternatives: Option 1: Assign Lea-Meadows Line to Haverwood Sales Force Botts believes that assigning the line to Haverwood sales force was the correct decision because they have a professional, adaptable and knowledgeable sales force and they know many of the buyers personally who were responsible for upholstered furniture. In addition the Haverwood sales team has a 5% higher profit margin than that of Lea-Meadows. In addition, taking on the Lea-Meadows line would require only about 15% of current sales call time, making it relatively easy for the sales force to take on. Botts also called on the company motto that â€Å"only our people are able and willing to give†, meaning that Lea-Meadows salespeople would not represent the principles the company was founded on. His final reason was that it wouldn’t look favorably on the company if representatives and agents called on the same stores and buyers, which would also mean that Haverwood would possibly be paying commission twice on one sale. However Bates knows that it would be difficult to train the Haverwood sales representatives on all of the different aspects of the Lea-Meadows line. Break Even Analysis: Costs: $700,000 in salaries $130,000 in sales administration Total: $830,000 Break Even Equation $830,000+(.005x)=.05x X= $18,444,444.44 This number means that if the expected sales volume is greater than $18,444,444.44 then the company’s sales force should be used. If the expected sales volume is less than $18,444,444.44 then the independent sales agents should be used. For Haverwood, since their projected sales is equal to 78 million [((12,900,000-12,400,000)/12,400,000) industry growth is 4%, applied that to Haverwood sales], it signifies that Bates should use the Haverwood Sales force to sell the Lea-Meadows line. Option 2: Keep Lea-Meadows Sales Agents Moorman believes keeping the sales agents for the Lea-Meadows line is the right decision. He called upon the fact that the agents (and he, himself) have already established contacts and were highly regarded with years of experience. The sales agents would also be a very small cost beyond commission. In addition he believes that the agents are committed to the line. Moreover he argued that some of the Lea-Meadows agents called upon buyers that were not contacted by the Haverwood sales reps. Finally, he disagreed that the Haverwood sales reps could easily learn about the Lea-Meadows line. With the combinations of fabric, skirts, pillows, springs, and fringes the company has, the sales rep would have to be knowledgeable about over 1 billion possibilities. However, as shown by the break even analysis, it is not economically justifiable for these two companies to operate separately any longer. Just by the economics, it is an easy decision for Bates to just use the Haverwood sales agents. Bates, However has personal ties with Moorman which affects his decision. If they do not use the Lea-Meadows sales agents, then Moorman will lose his job. Although this is a significant factor for Bates, it is obvious that using Haverwood sales representatives if the right decision for the company in terms of profitability. Option 3: Hire More Sales Reps The third option that Bates is considering is hiring additional sales representatives. These sales representatives would be trained to understand Haverwood and Lea-Meadows furniture. However, doing so would require restructuring the sales territories and would possibly take commissions away from existing sales representatives. It also does not seem necessary to take on additional sales reps after conducting the break even analysis. Recommendation Because of the break-even analysis, it is easy to see that Bates should decide to solely use Haverwood, Inc. sales representatives. It is more profitable for the company to give these accounts to the Haverwood sales reps. It would also allow Bates to have more control over the sales representatives as they would all be Haverwood reps and not Lea-Meadows.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Egyptian Architecture essays

Egyptian Architecture essays My project is on Acient Egytian Pyramids. Pyramids were meant to be monuments to the pharaoh's greatness.The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens .The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the old kingdom to the end of the middle kingdom. Pyramids did not stand alone but were part of a group of buildings which included temples, chapels, other tombs, and massive walls.There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest and best preserved of these were built at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. Architecture of the First Dynasty evolved from simple structures of wood, reeds and mud, to larger, more complicated buildings of brick and later of stone. During the First Dynasty, the traditions of wood structures had a strong influence on the later buildings constructed of brick and stone. Mat and reed textures are imitated on many stone walls giving a distinctly Egyptian character to the architecture. The earliest form of pyramids are the step pyramids. Step pyramids are several mastabas stacked on top of one another. Mastabas are are flat tombs that had a hidden tomb deep inside. The first step pyramid was bulit for King Djoser in Saggara. The most well known pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'. The Great Pyramid took 20 years to make and is one the greater wonders of the world. Some people think this pyramid wasnt made for a tomb but as a absorvatory. The second largest known pyramid in Egypt is The pyramid of Khafre. Its 10 feet shorter than the Great Pyramid. You can still see parts of its original casing at the top of the structure. After the completion of the building of the Great Pyramid, King Khafre had to make somthing to live up to his fathers Great Pyramid. Khafre wanted to build his pyramid on higher ground giving the illusion ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Conversion and Adaptation of Buildings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conversion and Adaptation of Buildings - Essay Example urant will be arranged in a manger that leaves space at the centre meaning that the tables and the chairs will be placed at the edges (Barrows, Powers, & Powers, 2009:37). This will provide a historic/ traditional feel but also be combined with a trendy fashion that looks amazing. Energy is an essential resource in the operation of the hotel. To ensure that it meets its mandate and satisfies customer needs, the hotel must have sufficient energy that will be used for cooking, lighting, heating, entertainment and refrigeration purposes (Jones & Zemke, 2010:43). Dependence on electricity, oil and gas will be essential but will not be enough. Therefore, the restaurant will use solar energy though solar panels to augment the other sources of energy. This will ensure that the restaurant has enough power for all the requirements and saves on energy use especially non-renewable energy. The design uses Greenfield space to minimize wastage of energy. Key-card systems were installed to control light, heating and air-cooling when rooms are not in use (Baker, 2005:17). Health and safety is an essential aspect as part of sustainability initiatives of the restaurant. To achieve this initiative cleanliness will be one of the most vital aspects in terms of the restaurant’s hygiene in the menu it provides, and also within and outside its premises. The foods provided by the restaurant will undergo constant health and hygiene checks from public health officers and nutritionists. The health and safety department is established specifically to deal with such issues. The reports from such checks will be availed to the relevant authorities and the public upon request. All employees’ safety and health will be guaranteed through constant medical check-ups and in safety precautions put in place at work. The restaurants design has been developed to prevent health risks by ensuring there is enough space for movement. The restaurant will also contain notices of slippery flows and any

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Neurophysiology of Peripheral Neurogenic Pain Essay - 1

The Neurophysiology of Peripheral Neurogenic Pain - Essay Example This study focused on the aspects of peripheral neurogenic pain with regard to its neurophysiology. According to Hecke et al., epidemiology of pain involves the investigation of the distribution, as well as, the causes of pain and ill health and also how this information can be integrated into managing these predicaments. The epidemiology of pain can be addressed through paying much attention onto the widespread and intermittent pain disorders that are commonly experienced by persons in their daily lives. In focusing on the epidemiology of pain, the core question that might arise would be in relation whether the persistence of pain is a result of unremitting or never-ending ailment. The term scale in this aspect denotes that pain may either be bodily, emotional, or mental. Subsequently, individual views or opinions regarding pain also differs (Simpson et al. 90-95). Stewart, in a study to determine the difference in the pain levels between the two genders and based on their ages, conducted a study that recorded a higher frequency of felt pain among women who rated higher levels of painful feelings as compared to men. This factor is attributed to genetic differences between male and female, as well as, the variations in responsibilities that are bestowed upon each gender by the society. The following graph illustrates the differences on frequency or commonness of pain between men and women Seattle Washington. The results as shown are in percentages. In the graph above, the values on the y-axis represent the percentages of age-sex frequency as was conducted between males and females, while the x-axis represents the ages in groups spanning from 18 to over 65 years of age of the respondents. According to Hecke et al., the medical records in that are found in health institutions have shown a higher proportion of women seeking treatment for pain related problems more than males do. The difference in the